Legislative Update

Legislative Update – February 13, 2023

Bills we are tracking in the 2023-2024 Georgia General Assembly:

  • Senate Bill 57 — Georgia Sports Betting Integrity Act — this would permit sports betting using online apps as well as horse racing at tracks in Georgia. The biggest difference is this is not a Constitutional Amendment.
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December 2022 Update

As Citizen Impact begins its 14th year of ministry, I hope you agree that it has been effective in two important areas: 1) A reliable source for pertinent and valuable information. 2) An advocacy organization that knows how to communicate our values to those who influence public policy.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – July 2, 2020

The 2020 Georgia General Assembly session wrapped up their 40 day session on June 26. Here is a recap of the legislation we tracked.

Senate Bill 359 — Provides some protection from liability from potential lawsuits brought by people who contract COVID-19.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 11, 2020

Listed below are the bills we are tracking in 2020.

Senate Bill 386 — revises Georgia Special Needs Scholarship Act, updating the program is make significant improvements. Passed full Senate on 3/10/2020

Senate Bill 318 — FORUM Act would public forums at public institutions of higher education and prevent the creation of “free speech zones” at public institutions of higher education.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – February 10, 2020

The Georgia General Assembly 2020 session began on January 13. Bills introduced in this session are still active in 2020. Listed below are the bills we are tracking in 2020.

Senate Bill 368 — provides for nondiscrimination of religious child-placing agencies by entities of state and local government.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – May 9, 2019

The Georgia General Assembly 2019 session ended on April 2. Bills introduced in this session are still active in 2020. Listed below are the bills we tracked in 2019 in the Georgia General Assembly.

House Bill 481 — Defines a person as someone with a heartbeat, which will prevent abortions when an unborn infant has a heartbeat.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – April 3, 2019

The Georgia General Assembly 2019 session ended on April 2. Bills introduced in this session are still active in 2020. Listed below are the bills we tracked in 2019 in the Georgia General Assembly. Keep in mind, a bill must be introduced in one chamber (either House or Senate), be heard in a Committee from that chamber, and if passes must go to the other chamber by and go through the process again.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 27, 2019

Listed below are the bills we are tracking in 2019 in the Georgia General Assembly. Keep in mind, a bill must be introduced in one chamber (either House or Senate), be heard in a Committee from that chamber, and if passes must go to the other chamber by Crossover Day and go through the process again.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 18, 2019

Listed below are the bills we are tracking in 2019 in the Georgia General Assembly. Keep in mind, a bill must be introduced in one chamber (either House or Senate), be heard in a Committee from that chamber, and if passes must go to the other chamber by Crossover Day and go through the process again.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 11, 2019

Listed below are the bills we are tracking in 2019 in the Georgia General Assembly. Keep in mind, a bill must be introduced in one chamber (either House or Senate), be heard in a Committee from that chamber, and if passes must go to the other chamber by Day 28 (March 7) and go through the process again.… Read the rest

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