Update #3 — COVID-19 Information to help pastors and other faith-leaders. Gov. Kemp’s Executive Order.
This information is current as of 6:00 p.m. on April 2, 2020.

Here is some clarification and direction on Gov. Kemp’s Executive Order. To begin with, contrary to what the governor has said previously, Page 8 of this Executive Order overrides any directives issued by counties and cities.
Click here to read Gov. Kemp’s Executive Order. Click here for the important Handout with more details. In this Handout (page 16), it specifically lists “clergy for essential support” as a community-based essential function. On page 17, under Financial Services, it shows that workers who are needed to process and maintain financial transactions are considered essential (so someone can be at the church to process tithes, pay church bills, etc.). On page 19, workers who support food, shelter, and other necessities for needy groups, as well as support for the elderly and disabled, are considered essential.
Page 20 of the Handout starts the lists of non-critical entities, and on page 22 churches are specifically mentioned. Churches are permitted to have 10 people or more gather if they all maintain a distance of at least 6 feet between each person.
Answers to the two major questions pastors are asking:
1. You are permitted to assemble a small team at your church to livestream the services.
2. Drive-in services in the church parking lot are permitted, IF EVERYONE MAINTAINS 6 feet between cars, people, etc.
Check these website regularly for information:
- Gov. Kemp’s website: https://gov.georgia.gov/news
- GPB coronavirus information: https://www.gpb.org/coronavirus
- The state of Georgia has set up a website to help you navigate the federal CARES Act: https://madmimi.com/s/c931801
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