Update #2 — COVID-19 Information to help pastors and other faith-leaders.
This information is current as of 4:00 p.m. on March 22, 2020.

Executive Director, Paul Smith, participated in a conference call with the White House Thursday, March 19. It was really a privilege to be on the call with Dr. Deborah Birx, who you have probably seen on TV. Dr. Birx is the White House coronavirus response coordinator, who is a medical doctor, retired Army colonel, and a world-renowned medical expert. I am including information in this email from that call, but the bottom line from the Trump administration: Do not meet for church or other gatherings of 10 or more, including family gatherings. These are voluntary guidelines, not mandates, but both the Georgia state government and Trump administration are urging all of us to follow these guidelines.
Citizen Impact created a folder of the various articles the White House shared and asked to pass on to you: Click here to view this folder. Pastors should carefully review two articles in particular from this folder: “White_House_Coronovirus_guidance” and “3.17.20 Faith and Community_based COVID-19-FAQ Final” (this document is longer, but contains very important and helpful information).
Dr. Birx explained that, without a vaccine or treatment options at this time, the most important action we can take is the community response. She urged faith leaders to follow the guidelines, and further stated that pastors are the KEY to helping people understand the importance of following these guidelines. She clarified that COVID-19 is 3 times more contagious than the seasonal flu, and more deadly, especially for older people and those with compromised immune systems. She urged pastors to not meet together in groups of 10 or more.
Dr. Birx asked that pastors instruct those in their circle of influence this way: If you are sick, stay home. If anyone in your house is sick, everyone should stay home. She asked Youth Pastors/Leaders to communicate to young people the importance of not meeting in groups of 10 or more (including family gatherings). Younger people, and really anyone, can carry the virus even without exhibiting symptoms, and infect older, more susceptible loved ones. Of course, she asked the Youth Pastors to communicate this using technology platforms and not in person.
She stressed how the virus lives on hard surfaces, which is one reason it is easily transmitted, and why it is so important to clean everything. She said hand sanitizer is not necessary, but hand-washing should be done frequently. She asked the faith community to help our more vulnerable members, like the older and immune-compromised, by shopping for them. However, she emphasized that anything dropped off for them should be treated as contaminated, and precautions taken by those receiving it.
The number one question being asked is, “How long will these guidelines last?” The answer is that no one can say for sure. By taking these steps you are helping to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed with sick patients. There are simply not enough hospital beds for a million sick Americans. Dr. Birx directed us to this website to track the spread of the illness: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
Jennifer Korn, the Deputy Director of the Office of Public Liaison and Special Assistant to the President, thanked everyone for their prayers. She indicated that she feels them and the White House staff needs them desperately at this time. The White House staff stressed that everyone rely on official sources for information like WhiteHouse.gov and CDC.gov. They also suggested following directives from local officials.
Gov. Kemp held a Press Conference today. He urged health facilities to limit elective procedures, and keep hospital beds open. He asked that anyone with symptoms *not* show up unannounced to your doctor or the emergency room. Call first. He also emphasized the need to follow guidelines from the federal government as well as local officials. Gov. Kemp does not intend to enact a statewide quarantine, or even mandate that churches do not meet. So, pastors, it is up to you to make the decision about meeting or not.
Gov. Kemp mentioned that misinformation and scams are rampant. He urged people to rely only on official sources. He mentioned the Georgia COVID-19 hotline (844-442-2681). The governor asked for prayer for military, first responders, and healthcare providers. You can view the Press Conference, and find other helpful information, here: https://gov.georgia.gov/news.
Many churches are using technology to livestream services and messages. It was such a blessing to see pastors making this effort, when many are unfamiliar with this format. A friend of this ministry, who runs a Christian media production organization, put together some information for pastors trying to livestream for the first time — click here for that extremely helpful document. Also, this website is very helpful: https://www.switcherstudio.com/blog/how-to-livestream-your-church-service-for-free.
Our Keynote Speaker from the 2019 Citizen Impact Conference, Jeremy Dys, and his firm, First Liberty, provided information to help pastors understand restrictions on gatherings. Click here for the one-page document.
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