
Pastors & Ministry Leaders’ Day 2025

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Driving and Parking: Plan to park by 7:00 AM if you are parking in the Pete Hackney Parking Garage (162 Jesse Hill Jr. Dr. SE, Atlanta, GA 30303), which is $10 for all-day parking.

“Suggested” Attire: Business Professional (Do not bring knives, guns, etc. to the event as you will be required to pass through metal detectors. You will also need a government-issued photo ID to access the Sloppy Floyd Building and the Capitol.)

Walking Directions from the Pete Hackney Parking Garage: Use the map below or watch this video to get to the Floyd Room (West Tower, 20th floor).

Use this link to locate your legislator: Find My Legislator

Event Schedule:

7:00 – Check-in opens

7:15 – Breakfast served

7:30 – Pastor Brian Patrick

8:00 – Governor Brian Kemp

8:45 – Various Legislators and activists speaking

9:45 – Walk over to General Assembly (group photo with Gov. Kemp at 10:00 and to speak with legislators)

11:00 – Various Legislators and activists speaking

12:00 – Lunch served

12:45 – Richard Callahan

2:00 – Dismissal

Event sponsored by Families 4 Families, a Faith-Based, Private, Foster Care Agency

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