Is Salvation a Panacea?
By Paul A. Smith
Executive Director, Citizen Impact
It is common for Christians to assert that the real solution to the problems in America is for politicians to convert to Christ. Understandably, they believe that if a legislator is born again he will have a Biblical worldview and a “moral compass” which will result in making, and voting for, right policy. However, that is not necessarily true. Mere conversion is not a universal remedy for bad public policy.
Think of it this way: if an unbeliever asks a Christian how to have a good marriage, the believer should start with sharing the Gospel. If his children are out of control, his finances are a shambles, and he seeks out the help of a Christian, the first step should be evangelism. The best marriages and families begin with Christ as Savior, the indwelling Holy Spirit as our enabler, and the Bible as our guidebook. That said, not all Christians have strong marriages and happy homes. Many Christians have serious financial problems as a result of poor decision-making. By accepting Christ, our sins are forgiven, and we are assured of Heaven. However, Christians must still learn – and apply – Biblical principles and develop a Biblical worldview in order to know how to make good choices. Believers attend Sunday School, church services, special meetings and retreats, engage in personal Bible study, and read Christian books to help us learn Biblical principles for Christian living. (The discipline to do what is right once we know it is a topic for another day.)
I do not want to diminish the need for evangelism. It is absolutely true that the first and best thing to do in order to be effective as a legislator is to accept Christ. A prime example is Georgia State Representative Doug McKillip. He became a Christian in 2009, and changed his position on abortion. He is quoted as saying, “You start reading the Bible, and you realize life begins at conception.” He sponsored a strong pro-life bill which passed the Georgia General Assembly this year.
There is still a great need to educate public officials and help them see current issues from a moral and Biblical perspective. Born again beleivers who serve in office – and all Christians in general – must develop and hone a Biblical worldview and learn Biblical principles to be effective in public policy. Just as there are Christian ministries which are dedicated to helping Christians have strong marriages, and some which help with Christian financial principles, and others which focus on issues like creation science, Citizen Impact is dedicated to a special cause – to help average citizens and public officials apply Biblical principles and strengthen their worldview.
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