Georgia’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)
Please watch this video and review the information below to understand why we are asking for our Georgia state legislators to pass a Georgia RFRA in the 2025 legislative session.
More details about the Religious Freedom Restoration Act:
- The Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) protects ordinary people from unfair state and local government intrusion by mirroring the bipartisan federal RFRA law that protects people from unfair federal government intrusion.
- After the federal RFRA law was passed almost unanimously in 1993, the US Supreme Court ruled that federal RFRA only protected people from unfair federal government intrusion – and would not protect people from unfair state or local government intrusion.
- Since then, over 35 states have adopted their own state RFRA laws or seen their courts adopt state RFRA protections by judicial ruling to protect people from overreach by state and local governments.
- In 2017, the Georgia Attorney General confirmed that without a state RFRA law Georgians do not have true religious protections – allowing state and local governments to infringe on people’s faith for any “rational basis.”
- RFRA puts the First Amendment right of free exercise back to the same level as the First Amendment right of freedom of speech, assembly or press by creating a balancing test to weigh a person’s right to practice their faith versus the government’s power to limit their actions.
- Under RFRA, before the government can force a person to violate their faith, it must first show a “compelling governmental interest” and that it must accomplish its goal in the “least restrictive means possible.”
- Put simply, this law would give Georgians their “day in court” to challenge the government if their local or state government infringed on their religious beliefs.
What can you do to help RFRA become law?
- Call your state senator AND representative and let them know that you support the Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act (find your legislators here). Knowing how their constituents feel really does influence the decisions of our elected officials (don’t forget that the Senate passed a RFRA bill in 2024, but the House did not take it up).
- Tell your church, friends, and family members to call their legislators and express support for Georgia’s RFRA.
- Share Citizen Impact’s informative posts on social media.
- Most importantly, pray that Georgia state Senators and state Representatives will be burdened with the need to pass this important legislation, and that we will have wisdom and boldness as we work to help get RFRA passed this upcoming session.
If you are not already, make sure to follow us on Facebook (Citizen Impact – USA) and Instagram (@citizenimpact) to stay up to date on RFRA, how you can be involved, and other important issues in the upcoming legislative session.

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