
A Frightful Halloween for Religious Liberty

Posted By Sarah Torre On October 31, 2012
The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

There’s something frightful brewing in courtrooms across the country this week.

In federal courts today and tomorrow, the Obama Administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) will be arguing against the right of two business owners and one Christian college to operate and serve in accordance with their deeply held beliefs.

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Paleo Evangelicals as Reluctant Republicans

October 16, 2012 By 

The mainstream media loves politically liberal evangelicals, especially at this time of year, as we wonder whether the evangelical base will turn out sufficiently to win the election for the Republicans. But the media seems to have missed another category of evangelical that is ill at ease with the Republican Party.… Read the rest

Your Professor Made You Do What?!?

Speak Up. Protect and Promote Religious Rights at our Public Universities. 
Posted on October 8th, 2012

We get a lot of calls from students concerned about the actions of their professors.  It’s no wonder why a study by the Institute for Jewish and Community Research found that, in general, professors have very negative opinions about Christians.  … Read the rest

Column: Christian companies can’t bow to sinful mandate

Click here to read the USA Today Op-Ed article by David Green, CEO and Founder of Hobby Lobby stores on their fight against the mandates in Obamacare that violate their company’s Christian values.… Read the rest

Chick-fil-A Sets the Record Straight

September 20, 2012

by Karla Dial
CitizenLink – https://www.citizenlink.com

In response to media reports that Chick-fil-A has agreed to stop making charitable donations to groups like Focus on the Family, the company today released a statement to set the record straight.… Read the rest

Christians victims of rising ‘hostility’ from gov’t and secular groups, report says

Published August 26, 2012 | FoxNews.com

A new report by the Family Research Council and the Liberty Institute claims that there’s been a rising pattern of hostility toward Christians in America over the past decade.

The 140-page “Survey of Religious Hostility in America,” prepared by the Liberty Institute and the Family Research Council, highlighted more than 600 examples illustrating what it characterized as religious animosity shown by judges, government bureaucrats, schools and secular groups.… Read the rest

LGBT Groups Join Christians in Condemning FRC Shooting But Support ‘Hate’ Label

Fri, Aug. 17, 2012  The Christian Post

Soon after the news that a gunman who had volunteered at an LGBT organization shot and wounded an employee of the pro-family group Family Research Council, a coalition of groups supporting gay rights and that have virtually nothing in common with FRC issued statements condemning the shooting.

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Liberty Counsel Successfully Defends Pastor’s First Amendment Rights

August 2, 2012


Miami, FL – Miami-Dade County School Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho has backed down from his threat to revoke the lease from Impact Miami Church and Pastor Jack Hakimian. The Superintendent threatened to review the lease following a sermon by Pastor Hakimian, in which he spoke about the intolerance of those who espouse the homosexual agenda.… Read the rest

Chick-fil-A Latest Example of How Same-Sex Marriage Threatens Religious Freedom

Posted By Thomas Messner On July 30, 2012

Same-sex marriage combined with nondiscrimination policies [1] will result in significant discrimination against individuals and institutions that hold to the belief that marriage is—and should be defined in law as—the union of one man and one woman.… Read the rest

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