
Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Freedom, Fundamentally At Odds | Public Discourse

by Matthew J. Franck
June 18th, 2013
Marriage and religious freedom will stand or fall together.

Read “Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Freedom, Fundamentally At Odds” by clicking here (redirect to Public Discourse website).… Read the rest

FIRST-PERSON: How gay marriage harms religious liberty

By Eric Metaxas
Sep 18, 2012

NEW YORK (BP) — Christians are often asked by gay activists why they oppose same-sex marriage. “How does our marriage hurt you?” they ask.

Well, I can think of one significant way it will hurt us: It will destroy religious freedom and free speech rights.… Read the rest

Well Done, Good & Faithful Servant

by Steve Deace  www.stevedeace.com

If what Chris Broussard said on ESPN yesterday amounts to hate speech, then the day will soon arrive when preaching the Bible publicly is no longer free speech.

Since the economy is in tatters and they still want to ignore Benghazi and Kermit Gosnell, the Leftist media in this country needs something else to discuss.… Read the rest

What You Need to Know About Marriage

In an effort to protect traditional marriage, I believe we should make both the moral argument; i.e., God created marriage and calls same-sex relationships an abomination; and the “secular” or practical argument; i.e., that the state plays an important role in marriage because it is best for children that may be produced as a result.… Read the rest

Legislative Update for Christian/Home Schools, GA General Assembly – 2013

Prepared by Paul Smith, Executive Director, Citizen Impact
Updated March 29


Georgia’s Tax Credit Scholarship Program/Student Scholarship Organizations (SSOs)
House Bill 283 included changes to this program as an amendment to a large education bill. The final version included a modest increase to the annual cap of $58 million, and removed the automatic escalator (which automatically raised the cap each year based on an inflation index).… Read the rest

Legislative Update for Christian/Home Schools, GA General Assembly – 2013

Prepared by Paul Smith, Executive Director, Citizen Impact

Updated March 15

Race to the Top/Common Core

A meeting took place on March 14 with Gov. Deal and numerous groups regarding the Common Core standards. It gave me the opportunity to express concerns for Christian schools and home schools.… Read the rest

Mass. Hysteria over School’s Drag Policy

from Washington Update, Family Research Council

If there’s one subject giving Massachusetts schools trouble, it’s anatomy! The state’s Department of Education shocked everyone last week with new directives that completely abolish traditional gender roles, gender-based bathrooms and clothing, and even gender-specific sports in public schools.… Read the rest

Legislative Issues for Christian Schools, GA General Assembly – 2013

Prepared by Paul Smith, Executive Director, Citizen Impact
Updated March 5


Race to the Top/Common Core
SB 167 (pertaining to common core curriculum, and nullifying any commitments relating to the federal Race to the Top program) did not get a vote in committee, so is stalled, but not dead.… Read the rest

Press Release: Citizen Impact, Georgia Association of Christian Schools, and Georgia Home Education Association Support Senate Bill 167

Implementation of Common Core Standards increases federal control of education, and negatively impacts private schools and home schools.

The state of Georgia applied for the federal Race to the Top grant, and by accepting these funds, agreed to adopt Common Core State Standards.… Read the rest

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