
Scalia Dissent: Gay Marriage Decision ‘Jaw-Dropping’

Wednesday, 26 Jun 2013
By David Alan Coia

In a blistering rebuke of the Supreme Court decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, Justice Antonin Scalia said the self-governing power of the people has been eroded.

“Today’s opinion aggrandizes the power of the court to pronounce the law,” Scalia wrote in the dissenting opinion.… Read the rest

Mass. Hysteria over School’s Drag Policy

from Washington Update, Family Research Council

If there’s one subject giving Massachusetts schools trouble, it’s anatomy! The state’s Department of Education shocked everyone last week with new directives that completely abolish traditional gender roles, gender-based bathrooms and clothing, and even gender-specific sports in public schools.… Read the rest

Legislative Issues for Christian Schools, GA General Assembly – 2013

Prepared by Paul Smith, Executive Director, Citizen Impact
Updated March 5


Race to the Top/Common Core
SB 167 (pertaining to common core curriculum, and nullifying any commitments relating to the federal Race to the Top program) did not get a vote in committee, so is stalled, but not dead.… Read the rest

Press Release: Citizen Impact, Georgia Association of Christian Schools, and Georgia Home Education Association Support Senate Bill 167

Implementation of Common Core Standards increases federal control of education, and negatively impacts private schools and home schools.

The state of Georgia applied for the federal Race to the Top grant, and by accepting these funds, agreed to adopt Common Core State Standards.… Read the rest

CONGRESSMAN FORBES: America’s new government-imposed religion

By Rep. J. Randy Forbes
(Click here to read article at Washington Times site)

Catholic adoption agencies have been forced to close their doors in Illinois, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., because their religious beliefs about marriage were deemed unacceptable by their jurisdictions.… Read the rest

Horse Racing and More Gambling for Georgia?

By Sue Ella Deadwyler of Georgia Insight

“Pathological gambling is extremely incapacitating and results in failure to maintain solvency or provide basic support for one’s family.” – American Psychiatric Association

When gambling expands, government expands.
More police are hired to investigate and prosecute increased crime; more judges and
courts are needed to investigate and prosecute gambling addicts’ crimes; more welfare
programs are needed to support gambling-related poverty; more agencies are created to
monitor and regulate gambling; more medical services are needed to treat diseases of
addicted gamblers; and more laws are needed to control crime and money launderers.… Read the rest

Why all the cool kids are reading Executive Order 13423

By Lindsey M. Burke

Published December 27, 2012 |

A war of words is brewing. But this one doesn’t involve slinging insults. It’s a battle over what forms of writing – novels, poems, and non-fiction – will define English instruction for millions of American schoolchildren in the years to come.… Read the rest

Does anyone care what happens to Hobby Lobby?

By Denny Burk on December 28, 2012 (

I am astonished that more Americans aren’t in an uproar about what is happening to Hobby Lobby right now. As many of you know, Hobby Lobby filed a lawsuit earlier this year to try and get relief from Obamacare’s abortion mandate.

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