Legislative Update

Legislative Update – March 7, 2014

The following is an update on bills being tracked in the Georgia General Assembly.

1. House Bill 919 reduces the “title tax” on church-owned vehicles.
*We are working on better language so it can pass this year. It will be written as an amendment and attached to a bill which passed the House by crossover day.… Read the rest

Legislative Update for Christian/Home Schools, GA General Assembly – 2013

Prepared by Paul Smith, Executive Director, Citizen Impact
Updated March 29


Georgia’s Tax Credit Scholarship Program/Student Scholarship Organizations (SSOs)
House Bill 283 included changes to this program as an amendment to a large education bill. The final version included a modest increase to the annual cap of $58 million, and removed the automatic escalator (which automatically raised the cap each year based on an inflation index).… Read the rest

Legislative Update for Christian/Home Schools, GA General Assembly – 2013

Prepared by Paul Smith, Executive Director, Citizen Impact

Updated March 15

Race to the Top/Common Core

A meeting took place on March 14 with Gov. Deal and numerous groups regarding the Common Core standards. It gave me the opportunity to express concerns for Christian schools and home schools.… Read the rest

Georgia Legislative Update–June 12, 2011

Final update on the bills Citizen Impact has been tracking in the Georgia General Assembly:

Senate Bill 10 relating to the Sunday retail sale of alcohol. Passed House and Senate; signed by Governor Deal.. This will allow local municipalities to offer referendums, giving residents the option to vote on whether to allow the sale alcohol in retail stores on Sunday.… Read the rest

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