Legislative Update

Legislative Update – March 13, 2017

House Bill 340 — is an update to Georgia’s law regarding the taxation of vehicles (TAVT). It includes an exemption for churches and other non-profits from TAVT if the vehicle was donated to the church. Historically, churches have been exempt from vehicle ad valorem taxes, but when theTAVT law was implemented a few years ago churches were not exempted. … Read the rest

Legislative Update March 1, 2017

Citizen Impact is working with members of the Ways & Means Committee to update Georgia’s law regarding the taxation of church vehicles. Historically, churches have been exempt from vehicle ad valorem taxes, but when the ad valorem tax law was changed a few years ago churches were not exempted.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 17, 2016

On March 16, 2016 the Georgia House of Representatives amended the Senate version of HB 757 sending back to the Senate a broad-based religious freedom bill which protects all Georgians from unnecessary government coercion. The current version of HB 757, which passed both the House and Senate, includes the language of the 1993 federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 1, 2016

I included a blog post below to help clarify the differences in the current version of the Pastor Protection Act/First Amendment Defense Act and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

This post is a summary after Crossover Day (Day 30 of 40), which is when bills must cross over to the other legislative body (House or Senate) to stay “alive” for the remaining days of the session.… Read the rest

Legislative Update — Feb. 16, 2016

There are a number of religious freedom bills now in the Georgia General Assembly. The Religious Freedom Restoration (RFRA) has been introduced in three separate bills, all of which are fine, but can lead to some confusion. To help clarify, here is the status of four:

SB 129 Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act introduced by Sen.… Read the rest

Legislative Update — Jan. 29, 2016

There are a number of religious freedom bills now in the Georgia General Assembly. The Religious Freedom Restoration (RFRA) has been introduced in three separate bills, all of which are fine, but can lead to some confusion. To help clarify, here is the status of four:

SB 129 Georgia Religious Freedom Restoration Act introduced by Sen.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – April 7, 2015

The Georgia General Assembly 2015 term ended on April 2. They will not convene again until January 2016 for the second term of the two-year legislative cycle.

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (SB 129) passed the Senate, and got as far as the House Judiciary Committee before being tabled because of the addition of an “anti-discrimination” amendment.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 26, 2014

The following is an update on bills tracked in the Georgia General Assembly.

1. Reducing the “title tax” on church-owned vehicles from 7% to 1%. It was added as an amendment to HB 729 to apply to vehicles donated to churches.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 19, 2014

The following is an update on bills being tracked in the Georgia General Assembly.

1. Reducing the “title tax” on church-owned vehicles from 7% to 1%. It was added as an amendment to HB 729 to apply to vehicles donated to churches.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 14, 2014

The following is an update on bills being tracked in the Georgia General Assembly.

1. House Bill 919 reduces the “title tax” on church-owned vehicles.
*Added as an amendment to House Bill 729. Passed House, and Senate Committee; must go to Senate Rules Committee and then get a vote in the Senate.… Read the rest

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