Legislative Update

Legislative Update – February 28, 2019

Listed below are the bills we are tracking in 2019 in the Georgia General Assembly. Keep in mind, a bill must be introduced in one chamber (either House or Senate), be heard in a Committee from that chamber, and if passes must go to the other chamber by Day 28 (March 7) and go through the process again.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – February 15, 2019

Bills introduced in 2019 Session:

Senate Bill 15 — “Keeping Georgia’s Schools Safe Act” has the intention of preventing, discovering, responding to, and recovering from threats, warnings, and developing situations regarding any public or private school. We spoke to the bill sponsor about concerns regarding the autonomy of private, Christian schools. … Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 30, 2018. Session completed.

Bills introduced in 2018 Session:

Senate Bill 375 — “Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act” will allow a child-placing agency to decline to accept a referral from the state and decline to perform services not referred under a contract with the state based on the child-placing agency’s sincerely held religious beliefs.… Read the rest

Legislative Update — March 27, 2018

Bills introduced in 2018 Session:

Senate Bill 375 — “Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act” will allow a child-placing agency to decline to accept a referral from the state and decline to perform services not referred under a contract with the state based on the child-placing agency’s sincerely held religious beliefs.… Read the rest

Legislative Update — March 13, 2018

Bills introduced in 2018 Session:

Senate Bill 375 — “Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act” will allow a child-placing agency to decline to accept a referral from the state and decline to perform services not referred under a contract with the state based on the child-placing agency’s sincerely held religious beliefs.… Read the rest

Legislative Update — March 1, 2018

Bills introduced in 2018 Session:

Senate Bill 375 — “Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act” will allow a child-placing agency to decline to accept a referral from the state and decline to perform services not referred under a contract with the state based on the child-placing agency’s sincerely held religious beliefs.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – February 23, 2018

Bills introduced in 2018 Session:

Senate Bill 375 — “Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act” will allow a child-placing agency to decline to accept a referral from the state and decline to perform services not referred under a contract with the state based on the child-placing agency’s sincerely held religious beliefs.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – February 13, 2018

Bills introduced in 2018 Session:

Senate Bill 375 — “Keep Faith in Adoption and Foster Care Act” will allow a child-placing agency to decline to accept a referral from the state and decline to perform services not referred under a contract with the state based on the child-placing agency’s sincerely held religious beliefs.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – April 3, 2017

House Bill 340 — is an update to Georgia’s law regarding the taxation of vehicles (TAVT). It includes an exemption for churches and other non-profits from TAVT if the vehicle was donated to the church. Historically, churches have been exempt from vehicle ad valorem taxes, but when the TAVT law was implemented a few years ago churches were not exempted. … Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 20, 2017

House Bill 340 — is an update to Georgia’s law regarding the taxation of vehicles (TAVT). It includes an exemption for churches and other non-profits from TAVT if the vehicle was donated to the church. Historically, churches have been exempt from vehicle ad valorem taxes, but when theTAVT law was implemented a few years ago churches were not exempted. … Read the rest

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