
The Coming Church-State Wars

By Pat Buchanan (via

Appearing the other night on the Catholic network EWTN, I was asked by Raymond Arroyo what should be done about Muslim students at Catholic University demanding that the school provide them with prayer rooms, from which crucifixes and all other Catholic symbols that they found offensive had been removed.… Read the rest

Fox News: Atheist Group Tries to Stop Prayers at High School Football Games That Include ‘Jesus’

By Todd Starnes
Published October 26, 2011|

An Alabama school district has been accused of allowing prayers that invoke the name of Jesus during high school football games, according to a complaint filed by a national atheist organization.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation said the Lauderdale County school district has violated the First Amendment by allowing the prayers at Brooks High School.… Read the rest

House passes Protect Life Act – would stop abortion funding in Obamacare

From The Washington Flyer (AACS publication, Oct. 14, 2011)

On Thursday, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 358, the Protect Life Act by a vote of 251–172. The goal of the measure is to close the loopholes in Obamacare that allow for the use of taxpayer dollars for abortion and to allow healthcare professionals to opt out of performing abortion-related services that violate their conscience.… Read the rest

From Liberty Counsel Press Release: Texas School District Fully Vindicates Christian Student After Wrongful Suspension

October 11, 2011

Texas School District Fully Vindicates Christian Student After Wrongful Suspension

Fort Worth, TX — The Fort Worth Independent School District has issued a letter to Liberty Counsel fully vindicating high school freshman Dakota Ary, who was given in-school suspension for telling another student that he believes homosexuality is wrong because of his Christian faith.… Read the rest

Arizona scholarship program faces lawsuit

Funds allow tailored options for disabled kids

by Hayley Ringle – Oct. 2, 2011
The Arizona Republic

A lawsuit filed last week is challenging the nation’s first publicly funded education savings-account program, and families who use the scholarship are concerned their children will have to find new schools.… Read the rest

Is the Decline of the USA Inevitable?

Paul Smith, Executive Director, Citizen Impact

Consider the headlines from the last month: Politicians, who were elected to do what is best for the American people, bring the economy to the brink of default. A Florida mother, typically a child’s number one protector, has likely killed her toddler – and gotten away with it.… Read the rest

Alliance Defense Fund – Can church schools hire teachers that share church beliefs?

Posted at Speak Up.

Kevin Theriot
ADF Senior Counsel – Church Project

Most would agree that a church should be able to open a school to ensure that its children get an education that conforms with its religious teachings.  It follows that a church should be able to employ only those teachers who actually agree with its religious principles and apply them to their lives. … Read the rest

Timely articles from AACS publication, “The Washington Flyer”

Senate Holds Hearing on Repeal of DOMA
Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing for Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D – CA) bill S.598 , the Respect for Marriage Act. This deceptively titled proposal actually seeks to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.… Read the rest

Education groups seek clarity in scholarship law

by Lindsay Field
The Marietta Daily Journal

ATLANTA – More than 7,000 Georgia students, including some in Cobb County, receive scholarships to attend private school under a state program. Still, though, some education groups are working for more clarity and transparency in the Georgia Tax Credit Scholarship Program law.… Read the rest

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