

Family Research Council Blog
by Rob Schwarzwalder
Aug. 26, 2013

The abortion industry recently has suffered a series of legal and legislative setbacks. From mandatory ultrasounds to fetal pain bills to entirely reasonable clinic health and safety regulations, the womb is a bit less unsafe for thousands of unborn children.

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Redefine Marriage, Debase Language? Get ready for the throuples.

AUGUST 8, 2013

By Ryan T. Anderson

Merriam-Webster is going to have to update the next edition of its dictionary, at least if marriage redefiners have their way. Do you know what the words “monogamish,” “throuple,” and “wedlease” mean?… Read the rest

Yes, Threats to Religious Liberty Happen Here

Advocates of same-sex marriage are classifying Biblical teachings as “hate speech.”
Ryan T. Anderson

© National Review Online 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Some on the left are criticizing Senator Ted Cruz’s recent comments about how the drive to redefine marriage may threaten religious freedom — but a closer inspection of the issue reveals his worries were accurate, prescient, and maybe even too cautious.… Read the rest

Redefinition of Marriage – The Moral Issue of Our Day?

Paul Smith, Executive Director, Citizen Impact, USA

President Obama publicly “affirmed” his personal desire to redefine marriage to include two people of the same sex, and the Supreme Court ruled against traditional marriage laws. As a result, the redefinition of marriage is in the forefront of the news and public awareness.… Read the rest

Scalia Dissent: Gay Marriage Decision ‘Jaw-Dropping’

Wednesday, 26 Jun 2013
By David Alan Coia

In a blistering rebuke of the Supreme Court decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act, Justice Antonin Scalia said the self-governing power of the people has been eroded.

“Today’s opinion aggrandizes the power of the court to pronounce the law,” Scalia wrote in the dissenting opinion.… Read the rest

Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Freedom, Fundamentally At Odds | Public Discourse

by Matthew J. Franck
June 18th, 2013
Marriage and religious freedom will stand or fall together.

Read “Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Freedom, Fundamentally At Odds” by clicking here (redirect to Public Discourse website).… Read the rest

FIRST-PERSON: How gay marriage harms religious liberty

By Eric Metaxas
Sep 18, 2012

NEW YORK (BP) — Christians are often asked by gay activists why they oppose same-sex marriage. “How does our marriage hurt you?” they ask.

Well, I can think of one significant way it will hurt us: It will destroy religious freedom and free speech rights.… Read the rest

Well Done, Good & Faithful Servant

by Steve Deace

If what Chris Broussard said on ESPN yesterday amounts to hate speech, then the day will soon arrive when preaching the Bible publicly is no longer free speech.

Since the economy is in tatters and they still want to ignore Benghazi and Kermit Gosnell, the Leftist media in this country needs something else to discuss.… Read the rest

What You Need to Know About Marriage

In an effort to protect traditional marriage, I believe we should make both the moral argument; i.e., God created marriage and calls same-sex relationships an abomination; and the “secular” or practical argument; i.e., that the state plays an important role in marriage because it is best for children that may be produced as a result.… Read the rest

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