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Faith & Freedom Coalition Voter Guides
Georgia Governor and US Senate Races
Georgia Governor, US Senate, and Congressional District 12 Races

Helpful voter guide.… Read the rest

Three Ways You Can Help.

God led our family to take this step of faith with Citizen Impact in 2009, and we have seen Him bless our efforts and reward our faith. Since then, I have spoken in about 150 churches. Our Pastors & Ministry Leaders’ Day grew from about 40 in 2013 to nearly 100 this year.Read the rest

Atheists Strike Back: IRS Will Monitor Churches for ‘Electioneering’


The Internal Revenue Service said it will monitor churches and other houses of worship for electioneering in a settlement reached with an atheist group.

The settlement was reached Friday in federal court in Madison, Wis., where the initial lawsuit was filed in 2012 by the Freedom from Religion Foundation, a Wisconsin-based atheist-advocacy group that claims 20,000 members nationwide.… Read the rest

Marriage: Where Do We Go From Here?

The pro-marriage case can win — if we don’t give up on it.
By Ryan T. Anderson
[originally published online here]

In the media’s portrayal, people defending marriage as the union of a man and woman have been getting routed ever since the Supreme Court decision last June — if not before.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 26, 2014

The following is an update on bills tracked in the Georgia General Assembly.

1. Reducing the “title tax” on church-owned vehicles from 7% to 1%. It was added as an amendment to HB 729 to apply to vehicles donated to churches.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 19, 2014

The following is an update on bills being tracked in the Georgia General Assembly.

1. Reducing the “title tax” on church-owned vehicles from 7% to 1%. It was added as an amendment to HB 729 to apply to vehicles donated to churches.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 14, 2014

The following is an update on bills being tracked in the Georgia General Assembly.

1. House Bill 919 reduces the “title tax” on church-owned vehicles.
*Added as an amendment to House Bill 729. Passed House, and Senate Committee; must go to Senate Rules Committee and then get a vote in the Senate.… Read the rest

Legislative Update – March 7, 2014

The following is an update on bills being tracked in the Georgia General Assembly.

1. House Bill 919 reduces the “title tax” on church-owned vehicles.
*We are working on better language so it can pass this year. It will be written as an amendment and attached to a bill which passed the House by crossover day.… Read the rest

The Children’s Hope for Family Act (Georgia House Bill 684)

This is an important piece of legislation that I believe will help Georgia’s children. I’ve included a summary below, but you can get more information at this website: –Paul Smith, Executive Director, Citizen Impact

overview of the legislation

Here’s an overview of the Children’s Hope for Family Act (currently GA House Bill 684).… Read the rest
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