Month: April 2020

CDC Document Outlines Guidance for Reopening of Churches

[Taken from this website: ]

CDC document can be found here:

The Story: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has compiled new “Interim Guidance for Communities of Faith” that outlines precautions churches may need to take when states lift their coronavirus restrictions.… Read the rest

Information from the Conference Call with Governor’s office — 4/22/2020

Here is a recap of the call with the governor’s office.

The current Shelter-in-Place order goes through April 30. New guidelines will be issued between now and then.

The governor’s office is still stating that online services (livestream) are best.

The governor has never told churches they cannot have services, but is still discouraging meeting in-person for services.… Read the rest

April 2020 Newsletter

The Georgia General Assembly suspended the 2020 session on March 13. Cory and I were working on several pieces of legislation, but most of the work of the legislature has ground to a halt, with no date for when they might re-convene.… Read the rest

Update #3 — COVID-19 Information to help pastors and other faith-leaders. Gov. Kemp’s Executive Order.

This information is current as of 6:00 p.m. on April 2, 2020.

Gov. Brian Kemp

Here is some clarification and direction on Gov. Kemp’s Executive Order. To begin with, contrary to what the governor has said previously, Page 8 of this Executive Order overrides any directives issued by counties and cities.… Read the rest

Update #3 — COVID-19 Information to help pastors and other faith-leaders.

This information is current as of 4:00 p.m. on April 1, 2020.

1) There are many questions about this, but please understand, the governor’s office has confirmed, and the religious liberty attorneys that Citizen Impact trusts and relies on agree, that it is constitutional for the government to limit gatherings during an emergency.… Read the rest

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