Month: July 2013

Yes, Threats to Religious Liberty Happen Here

Advocates of same-sex marriage are classifying Biblical teachings as “hate speech.”
Ryan T. Anderson

© National Review Online 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Some on the left are criticizing Senator Ted Cruz’s recent comments about how the drive to redefine marriage may threaten religious freedom — but a closer inspection of the issue reveals his worries were accurate, prescient, and maybe even too cautious.… Read the rest

Redefinition of Marriage – The Moral Issue of Our Day?

Paul Smith, Executive Director, Citizen Impact, USA

President Obama publicly “affirmed” his personal desire to redefine marriage to include two people of the same sex, and the Supreme Court ruled against traditional marriage laws. As a result, the redefinition of marriage is in the forefront of the news and public awareness.… Read the rest

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